Columbian exchange is the term given to the trade that took place during the late 1490s and early 1700s between the old and the new world, commonly the western and the northern hemisphere. The new world constituted the European society whereas the new world was the newly discovered lands of America.(Bulliet,R et al 2008 p 466).This exchange brought long lasting effects on both parts of the world some of the effects that shaped the modern era. In the old world new crops were introduced leading to increase in food production and consequently an increase in population. The new world also benefited through the introduction of new crops boosting their economies. This exchange had both positive and negative effects. Introduction of new plants and discovery of mineral constitute the positive outcome of this exchange whereas introduction of new and dangerous diseases threatened to wipe the entire population of the Native Americans.

Columbian exchange has been described as one of the most crucial event in the age of exploration. There was introduction of new crops including tomato, cotton and tobacco in Europe. Some of the crops that changed the social economical aspects of the society at this period and the effects of this introduction continued to be felt for a long period. Introduction of these crops changed the way European lived. For example introduction of potato brought a solution to the problem of starvation among the populations in Europe. It became a staple food in Ireland and the nation solely depended on it such that when it was destroyed by the diseases there was a massive starvation which threatened to wipe out a whole nation. Introduction of these crops led to less starvation and eventually increase in population. (Elliott, J 1989 456)

Transfer of cash and food crops between the two worlds had very important consequences in the world history. Introduction of cotton and tobacco for example transformed the European countries economies. It helped in the process of industrialization which led to massive creation of jobs for the population which was increasing as result of improved food production. Introduction of tomatoes led to nutritional improvement of the European diet. This crop became very popular in Italy a country that is known for the making of Pizza. It was used in making sauce which became very popular with the people in this country. It may not be rich in calories but it was used as a compliment of the existing foods through improvements the vitamin intake. Tomatoes significantly changed the cuisine of the Mediterranean countries including Italy.

Introduction of tobacco brought a new lifestyle in Europe this commodity became so popular with the people such that its use spread very fast across the continent. The substance was initially used for medicinal purposes as it was thought to have some medicinal value. Tobacco was even used as a form of currency indifferent parts of Europe. Tobacco consumption over the time became one of the most popular recreational activities people became addicted to this product. Today tobacco consumers continue to rise with manufacturers making very high profits than many other firms. There are several studies which have linked consumption of this substance with life threatening conditions which have killed millions of people across Europe and world at large.

Introduction of cotton changed the fashion industry as well as helping in the industrialization process across Europe. The crops was mainly grown in America and then shipped to Europe for processing. This led to the increase of slavery as extensive labor was needed for mass production of cotton to meet the growing demand of the product in Europe. It also prompted the trade between the two regions in the world. Cotton processing was one of the widely spread industry across the Europe during the industrial revolution. Introduction of these crops in Europe gave way to Agrarian Revolution in Europe which led to the increased food production. The food was enough to feed the population as well as sell to the region which had deficits. Increase in population is attributed to the improved food production. There was change of land tenure to accommodate the growing need for large scale production of crops. Those who could not get enough land to carry out farming moved to the towns leading to development of urban centers.

Europe on the other hand had a lot to offer to the new world, they introduced animals and crops to the Americans. The introduction of these crops and animals transformed the lives of the Native Americans. Some of the crops that were introduced in to this part of the world include wheat, sugarcane fruits such as oranges among others. Animals such as cattle, horses became very popular in this part of the world such that within a very short time they were thousands herds across the region. Introduction of crops such as wheat in this region was a very positive move since the new world became one of the largest producers supplying the commodity to different parts of the world. The introduction of animals and crops also gave way to trade including slave trade   which changed the face of the earth and its effects continue to be felt up to this time. This interaction gave way to spread of diseases which had very devastating effects on the population of Native Americans.

Columbian exchange has been cited as one part of history which had great influence. It led to spread of commodities as well as plants and animals promoting the food production ultimately leading to population increase. The process of agricultural development as well as industrial revolution has their basis on this exchange. Europe and the new world would never have been the same were it not for this exchange.


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