Characteristics of the human society according to Karl Max

    According to the arguments presented by Karl Max, the society was a complex and a hostile environment to be in. The society comprised of a moving equilibrium of opposing forces which generated societal change through their struggle and tension. He pointed out that struggle as opposed to peaceful growth acted as an engine of development. The father of everything was strife. In addition, social disagreement was core to historical progress. The motivating power in the past was the way in which men relate to each other in their constant fight to wrest their living from nature. Human society was also characterized by perpetual dissatisfaction by men as Max put it, man is a perpetually dissatisfied animal. When primary needs have been met, this leads to new needs and the production of new needs is the first historical act1 He believed capitalism created egoistic people and required to be damaged because of what it did to human beings.

   Human environment under capitalism was not fulfilling to man. Therefore, for man to be fulfilled, capitalism needed to be ruined.  Particularly he contemplated that religion personal property, merchandise, private enterprise as well as money ought to be detached from society so as to free man of their control which has alienated him from himself and other people.

To be truly human according to Marx meant being liberated, self-determining, part of a community, and social.  To be liberated man ought to control his creations and being a supreme being, overthrow religion.
Evolution of living things including human beings according to Charles Darwin
  Darwin holds that all living things are related descended from a common ancestor The birds and the fruits, the fish and the flowers  are all related. Darwins theory presumes the growth of life out of non-life and it stresses on a purely undirected (naturalistic) descent with alteration. 2This is to imply that composite creatures evolve from simpler ancestors naturally and over time. In short, as random hereditary mutations take place within any organisms genetic system beneficial mutations are conserved because they help in survival. This process is called natural selection. These beneficial (valuable) mutations are passed to the following generation.  Beneficial mutations build up over time and eventually result into completely different organism (not only a variation from of the original, but also a completely different creature). 2
 Social Darwinists apply Darwins theory to human society

Social Darwinists used biological ideas of Darwin in an attempt to apply them to social sciences. Their interest was mostly to apply the survival of the fittest idea to social context because this could excuse the existing issues of racism, optimism as well as capitalism. It was a tool for arguing that governments was not supposed to interfere with human competition that government ought to take no interest to regulate the economy, for example, reducing poverty,  introducing and providing socialized medicine. In a nutshell, they have the policy called laissez faire which is a policy whereby everybody does want they wish because there is no ruling authority which is supreme to regulate human behavior in the society.

1. What Hitler believed about the natural law of human society
Hitler believed that rule of nature was founded on strong people using terror and fear to control the weak.  According to him, only the strong and the mighty could control the weak and the poor in the society and inflict fear, intimidation and terror to make them follow the commands without asking any questions or demanding justice.  Hitler held that it was natural that he was in power and all his subjects were under him and he could deal with them as he pleased since he possessed supreme authority over them.

How the Jews threatened the survival of civilization
Hitler alleged that the Aryan superiority was threatened chiefly by the Jews who, as he argued, were lazy, contributed very little towards world civilization. He ignored that a number of his favorite musicians and composers were Jews. He asserted that the Jewish youth stay waiting upon end satanically conspicuous at,  spying on unconscious girls whom they plan to seduce, contaminating  her  with the ultimate thoughts of bastardizing the whites that  they hate and  lowering its culture and political level to ensure that they dominate

 Comparison between Hitlers and Benito Mussolinis political philosophy
Their political philosophy was based on complete domination by the government over all phases of political, cultural, social and economic life. They operated their government with supremacy and without question. They did not believe in equal human rights for all subjects in their governments but rather believed that natural law dictated the fate of people without interference.  These two rulers used dictatorship and intimidation to inflict fear and command to the Germans and Italians of their time. In nutshell, they used the iron rule


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